Raving Conservative


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Question

Is there any way that past human cultures coud have had knowledge similar to our own in regards to dinosaurs? I am not speaking hypothetically, but inactual reality. Did even the more advanced cultures of the past have the knowledge of dinosaurs to be able to present pictures that are physiologically accurate about dinosaurs?

This is just a debate question. I am genuinely curious to see ehat my readers think. I will not be participatiing in this debate personally.


  • Ancient South American native cultures (Incas, Mayans) provide detailed drawings of dinosaurs on some of their burial stones. Not just bones, but drawings of living dinosaurs. (They look like triceratops and stegosaurus from what I've seen, among others).

    Since this was long before dinosaur study become a scientific endeavor, I don't see how they could have known what a dinosaur looked like without having seen one themselves. Even if the drawings were from orally transmitted stories, humans would have had to coexist with dinosaurs at some point in history.

    By Blogger Seamus, at 1:06 PM  

  • Daniel Levesque,

    I wonder if you'd be interested in posting on a blog I've started about creationism. If so, contact me through my profile (you can email me through a link there). You can also look at the blog to see if you're interested through my profile.

    Let me know.

    - John

    By Blogger Seamus, at 1:24 PM  

  • I don't see how they could have known what a dinosaur looked like without having seen one themselves.

    I'm not sure this is a valid argument considering the capacity for the human imagination, even the imagination of humans thousands of years ago. Vampires, unicorns, werewolves, thunder gods, japanese spirits, etc. Not everything must have a basis in reality.
    Of course, sometimes not everything is to proper scale. Sometimes Spiders scare people, so why not make up a story about a Giant spider? Why not an oversized lizard? Shrug. Not really sure, just skeptical.
    - Matt

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:53 PM  

  • You're right that people have always had active imaginations. But these are very specific drawings that corespond nearly exactly with modern models of dinosaurs. I have these images in a book.

    I think it is more than coincidence.

    By Blogger Seamus, at 2:44 PM  

  • I have these images in a book.

    Are these images from your book available anywhere on the net? I'd be genuinely interested in seeing them, if so.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:01 AM  

  • Matt,

    Google the followimg:

    Ica Stones
    Nazca Lines

    It's fascinating.

    By Blogger Daniel Levesque, at 9:26 AM  

  • The Ica stones seem to be rather controversial on their authenticity, but the lines are very fascinating.

    It's too bad scientists won't touch the stones because of the 'hoax' angle that the BBC encountered on its investigation (the BBC didn't like to get burned, and a lot of scientists refuse to put themselves in the same situation). That said, thanks for the subject matter, I plan to investigate them much closer now.
    15,000 stones seems like a lot for one farmer to create himself. Which really does make all of this very interesting, as is the speculation so far.
    - Matt

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:49 AM  

  • Matt,

    "That said, thanks for the subject matter, I plan to investigate them much closer now.
    15,000 stones seems like a lot for one farmer to create himself. Which really does make all of this very interesting, as is the speculation so far."

    Your welcome. and yo might be very interested in the verification process that many of the Ica stones have been put though. The fakes are easily distinguished from the genuine article by both the type of stone used, and the patina, or weathered layer on the stones and in the grooves. the fakes that the farmerproduced have no patina in the grooves of the carvings. The real ones, dating back 500 years and more have a uniform patina both on the surface of the stones and in the grooves.

    BTW, did you see the massive high relief sculpture of a stegasaurus outside one of the ancient temples in that area?

    By Blogger Daniel Levesque, at 12:05 PM  

  • Daniel: Google the followimg:

    Ica Stones
    Nazca Lines

    It's fascinating.

    Fascinating indeed. Here are a couple of top-of-the-page results from my Google search.

    Ica Stones
    Nazca Lines

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:38 PM  

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