Latest news: Daniel L was caught trying to enter the Governor's mansion, as he was hauled away, he was heard to have said, "But I AM the Governor! This is MY house!..."
Rants, raves, politics, current events, the environment, education, law nd the courts, and anything else that catches my attention. You might want to pay attention, I'm running for President someday. P.S. I love comments, but keep the spam to a minimum.
Time's up. We call missing persons at midnight.
By catastrophile, at 8:02 PM
We are well past the 20th now...
By The Conservative UAW Guy, at 4:23 PM
I say we TP his place...
By Samurai Sam, at 2:06 PM
Samurai, I agree.
By Vile Blasphemer, at 10:50 AM
His real place or his virtual one?
[and how does one TP a blog...?]
By Dan Trabue, at 1:10 PM
I can wait....
Hope you had a good vacation.
Been gone for awhile, but now I'm back.
I've bailed out of Blogger and have my own site now:
If you could update your link to me, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Hope you're well.
By The Exile, at 5:10 PM
Have to be his blog. Alaska's too far from here.
Toilet Paper Away!
By Samurai Sam, at 7:06 AM
Adios, I'll be lurking....
By Neo-Con Tastic, at 9:41 PM
By The Conservative UAW Guy, at 3:48 PM
Latest news: Daniel L was caught trying to enter the Governor's mansion, as he was hauled away, he was heard to have said, "But I AM the Governor! This is MY house!..."
You outta jail yet, D?
By Dan Trabue, at 8:55 PM
Seriously, man, where did you go? Before long it will be August 20th.
By Anonymous, at 12:23 PM
Here's a few possible explainations:
A: He's started some cultish politcal movement.
B: He's in Iraq fighting with the insurgents against U.S. Troops
Or C: He's digging for dinosaurs in the Yukon
But those are just a few
By Anonymous, at 10:26 AM
Where in the world is Daniel contest! PLease post any possible explainations!
By Anonymous, at 1:20 PM
FYI, usually when people post, "I'll be back" on a blog, that means that they will be coming back and then POST SOMETHING!!
Just thaought you might like to know.
And seriously, I hope that all is ok.
We await your retrun.
By The Conservative UAW Guy, at 2:52 AM
"When Daniel was in Egypt's land..."
By Samurai Sam, at 12:02 PM
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