Happy Thanksgiving everyone! And an especially happy Thanksgiving to all of you who are such loyal readers that you are actually reading my blog on Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is uniquely American (I’m including Canada because I am speaking about all of North America here) holiday where we spend an entire with family and friends, reflect on the blessing in our lives, and give thanks unto the Lord for caring for us and blessing us so richly. It is also a tribute to both the religious traditions that America was founded on, and the fact that we are a very traditional people as whole. If this were not so Thanksgiving would never have become a national holiday from its humble roots that first autumn after the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts.
To celebrate, I am listing what I am most grateful for on this day.
1- Jesus. He’s my Lord and Savior, and without Him I would be lost.
2- My family. I have been blessed with a wonderful and loving wife, loving and attentive parents, and 4 very close brothers. I am truly blessed.
3- My job. Not only does it put food on the table and a roof over my head, it serves a greater purpose. HOOAH!
4- My Church. Muldoon Community Assembly of God is a wonderful church home. Its focus on the Bible, missions, and local outreach are above reproach. The teaching is sound, the community is close, and the missions are passionately supported. This is one excellent Church.
5- Being an American. There truly is no greater country in the world today.
6- My God-given talents and abilities. They line up with my interests, and I am able to do so much with them, like writing this blog.
7- Being in Alaska. I really do believe it may the greatest state in the Union, but that could just be my love of nature talking. This is such an incredibly wild and beautiful state.
8- My Christian brothers and sisters around the world. 200,000,000 of them are being actively persecuted right now and may die for their faith. In spite of this they are praying for me because, as an American, they believe I am in danger from weakness of faith that they see as typical among American Christians. I am praying for them too that they may be kept safe and prosper.
9- YOU! My regular and occasional readers, especially the ones who comment make writing this blog worthwhile. It gives me hope that I may yet reach the world with the truth.
There are hundreds of other things to be grateful for in my life, but these top the list for me, and do so every year. Take some time to reflect and decide what you are most grateful for today, and give the appropriate thanks.
Thanksgiving is uniquely American (I’m including Canada because I am speaking about all of North America here) holiday where we spend an entire with family and friends, reflect on the blessing in our lives, and give thanks unto the Lord for caring for us and blessing us so richly. It is also a tribute to both the religious traditions that America was founded on, and the fact that we are a very traditional people as whole. If this were not so Thanksgiving would never have become a national holiday from its humble roots that first autumn after the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts.
To celebrate, I am listing what I am most grateful for on this day.
1- Jesus. He’s my Lord and Savior, and without Him I would be lost.
2- My family. I have been blessed with a wonderful and loving wife, loving and attentive parents, and 4 very close brothers. I am truly blessed.
3- My job. Not only does it put food on the table and a roof over my head, it serves a greater purpose. HOOAH!
4- My Church. Muldoon Community Assembly of God is a wonderful church home. Its focus on the Bible, missions, and local outreach are above reproach. The teaching is sound, the community is close, and the missions are passionately supported. This is one excellent Church.
5- Being an American. There truly is no greater country in the world today.
6- My God-given talents and abilities. They line up with my interests, and I am able to do so much with them, like writing this blog.
7- Being in Alaska. I really do believe it may the greatest state in the Union, but that could just be my love of nature talking. This is such an incredibly wild and beautiful state.
8- My Christian brothers and sisters around the world. 200,000,000 of them are being actively persecuted right now and may die for their faith. In spite of this they are praying for me because, as an American, they believe I am in danger from weakness of faith that they see as typical among American Christians. I am praying for them too that they may be kept safe and prosper.
9- YOU! My regular and occasional readers, especially the ones who comment make writing this blog worthwhile. It gives me hope that I may yet reach the world with the truth.
There are hundreds of other things to be grateful for in my life, but these top the list for me, and do so every year. Take some time to reflect and decide what you are most grateful for today, and give the appropriate thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Daniel.
Have a wonderful holiday, and God bless!
The Conservative UAW Guy, at 4:55 AM
And happy Thanksgiving to you!
Anonymous, at 2:03 PM
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family!
ABFreedom, at 3:42 PM
Happy Thanksgiving Daniel, and God bless you and yours.
Justthinkin, at 5:55 PM
Daniel, this is a truly joyous and thankful post. Seems like you have come out of your depression. Good for you!
I arose at 6:00 am this morning, put a 25 lb. Turkey in the oven, stuffed, got Walt and Jessica (husband and daughter) up at 7:00am and we all traipsed to church at 8:30. We cooked and cooked and cooked! We fed forty people today, forty people who didn't have anywhere else to go on Thanksgiving day, so I feel truly blessed. It was absolutely wonderful. Friends and family, just like the pilgrims, getting together to give thanks. The work involved was miraculously easy. Even the cleaning up afterwards was easy... because we all gathered around to share. And many people there also brought food. Everyone was able to take home leftovers. It was truly a blessed Thanksgiving!
Gayle, at 6:03 PM
P.S. The only thing that was a bit difficult was carrying a "hot" 25 lb. turkey to the church in order to finish cooking it! :)
Gayle, at 6:05 PM
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