I have received some flak for stating that Christian morals are a good foundation for American law. Some of the criticism has been downright venomous. Therefore I need to explain my position, but don’t expect any apologies.
First let me explain what Christian morals do not include. They do not include witch hunts like the ones in Salem Massachusetts. They do not include unholy inquisitions like the infamous Spanish Inquisition of the Catholic Church. They do not include racism like the KKK and other white supremacist and anti-Semitic groups claim. These examples of evil are perversions of the truth and are intolerable. Most people who believe in the teachings of the Bible agree on this.
Now let me tackle what the Bible does teach morally.
One of the first things people attack is the “outdated” sexual teachings of the Bible. They say all this no adultery, no fornication, no homosexuality stuff just doesn’t fit into modern society, and is even “bigoted”. Okay, let’s examine that.
Fornication is responsible for the high rates of STD transmission, unwed pregnancy, and has been linked to the high rate of divorce. Granted some divorces would still happen if people never fornicated, but let’s look at the other things. Is it possible to catch a sexually transmitted disease or get pregnant without sexual activity? It’s obvious that the answer is a resounding no, with one exception in all of history. Mary mother of Jesus was a virgin when she gave birth to Christ.
Let’s examine the social impact of no fornicating. First there is the tremendous monetary cost. STD’s are expensive to treat on a national scale. Also, tens of thousands of women are sterilized every year by STD’s they never even knew they had, which causes horrific emotional damage to many of them. Condoms would e almost unneeded. The vast majority of condoms are used by unwed sexually active people. The preferred method of birth control for married couples is the pill. The truth is, condoms are for disease control far more that are for birth control, but they appear to be failing because STD rates are so high. AIDS would be a minor nuisance rather than a global epidemic, and the social and economic damage it causes wouldn’t exist.
Speaking of AIDS, it would never have come into humanity at all if some sicko hadn’t banged a monkey in the first place.
Homosexuality is touchy subject these days for some reason. Part of the reason is ignorance on the part of people who claim to be Christians, which, according to polls is something like ninety percent of America. Just so you know, homosexuality is declared to be a hell-worthy activity in the books of Leviticus, Corinthians, and Revelation. So if you say you’re a Christian you are kind of stuck with agreeing with me unless you want to call God a liar.
But let’s leave religion aside for a moment and examine the social impact of homosexuality. Is it really as harmless as some people would have us believe? Hardly. To begin with, homosexuals live an average of fifteen years less than their heterosexual counterparts, and this is not including AIDS in the picture. With AIDS it more like twenty years less. Homosexuals are abused and killed by their partners at a higher rate per person than their heterosexual counterparts. Suicide among homosexuals is significantly higher than it is among heterosexuals, and it’s even higher among transsexuals. Homosexuals have a much incidence of disease, not just STD’s, but disease in general than heterosexuals. In fact, they get sick so much that the cost of providing insurance to employees skyrockets when a company offers it to homosexual partners. It gets so high that companies often have to drop the insurance program altogether.
Adultery has all the effects of fornication with the added effect of betraying and traumatizing an innocent victim. Also, back to fornication, a lot of people, especially women, are severely damaged emotionally when they give in to sexual advances thinking that there is genuine love and respect on the part of the other, only to be crushed to discover they were just being used for sex. And back on homosexuality, the vast majority of child molesters are men, right? Yeah, that includes those who molest young boys. And by the way, did you know that boys who are molested by a man grow up to be homosexual themselves at a much higher rate than the general population. No wonder NAMBLA say “sex before eight before it’s too late”, the bastards.
Now that that particular heavy topic is out of the way, let’s look at some of the less contentious things. Judeo-Christian morals cover a wide variety of things. Stealing is wrong according to those values, and it’s easy to agree when you consider the billions theft costs the economy every year and the psychological damage it causes to individuals who are robbed. Murder is wrong, almost no-one in America would challenge this fact. Rape is as wrong as murder.
These are all nice big topics, but let’s look at some minor ones. When people don’t take a day here and there to rest they burn out, lose their health, and develop psychological problems. So it seems to me that resting on the seventh day of the week just makes sense. If you don’t get drunk you won’t drive drunk, go into a drunken rage, get alcohol poisoning, or get incapacitated and get raped. Ditto for drugs. If you treat people with love and respect they usually return the favor, and that comes in quite handy when you need a friend or need help. If people didn’t steal we wouldn’t need to go to such extremes to protect our property. And if you really want to be silly and argue about the tiniest things, you can’t catch trichinosis if you don’t eat pork.
See, the morals taught in the Bible are all good for physical, emotional, and mental health. Not following these morals degrades the physical, emotional, and mental health of the society that abandons them. So to the social relativists who say anything’s okay as long as no one gets hurt; people are getting hurt every day by people not following Biblical morals. Therefore, by your own philosophy, it is wrong to not live Biblical morals. Chew on that for a bit.
First let me explain what Christian morals do not include. They do not include witch hunts like the ones in Salem Massachusetts. They do not include unholy inquisitions like the infamous Spanish Inquisition of the Catholic Church. They do not include racism like the KKK and other white supremacist and anti-Semitic groups claim. These examples of evil are perversions of the truth and are intolerable. Most people who believe in the teachings of the Bible agree on this.
Now let me tackle what the Bible does teach morally.
One of the first things people attack is the “outdated” sexual teachings of the Bible. They say all this no adultery, no fornication, no homosexuality stuff just doesn’t fit into modern society, and is even “bigoted”. Okay, let’s examine that.
Fornication is responsible for the high rates of STD transmission, unwed pregnancy, and has been linked to the high rate of divorce. Granted some divorces would still happen if people never fornicated, but let’s look at the other things. Is it possible to catch a sexually transmitted disease or get pregnant without sexual activity? It’s obvious that the answer is a resounding no, with one exception in all of history. Mary mother of Jesus was a virgin when she gave birth to Christ.
Let’s examine the social impact of no fornicating. First there is the tremendous monetary cost. STD’s are expensive to treat on a national scale. Also, tens of thousands of women are sterilized every year by STD’s they never even knew they had, which causes horrific emotional damage to many of them. Condoms would e almost unneeded. The vast majority of condoms are used by unwed sexually active people. The preferred method of birth control for married couples is the pill. The truth is, condoms are for disease control far more that are for birth control, but they appear to be failing because STD rates are so high. AIDS would be a minor nuisance rather than a global epidemic, and the social and economic damage it causes wouldn’t exist.
Speaking of AIDS, it would never have come into humanity at all if some sicko hadn’t banged a monkey in the first place.
Homosexuality is touchy subject these days for some reason. Part of the reason is ignorance on the part of people who claim to be Christians, which, according to polls is something like ninety percent of America. Just so you know, homosexuality is declared to be a hell-worthy activity in the books of Leviticus, Corinthians, and Revelation. So if you say you’re a Christian you are kind of stuck with agreeing with me unless you want to call God a liar.
But let’s leave religion aside for a moment and examine the social impact of homosexuality. Is it really as harmless as some people would have us believe? Hardly. To begin with, homosexuals live an average of fifteen years less than their heterosexual counterparts, and this is not including AIDS in the picture. With AIDS it more like twenty years less. Homosexuals are abused and killed by their partners at a higher rate per person than their heterosexual counterparts. Suicide among homosexuals is significantly higher than it is among heterosexuals, and it’s even higher among transsexuals. Homosexuals have a much incidence of disease, not just STD’s, but disease in general than heterosexuals. In fact, they get sick so much that the cost of providing insurance to employees skyrockets when a company offers it to homosexual partners. It gets so high that companies often have to drop the insurance program altogether.
Adultery has all the effects of fornication with the added effect of betraying and traumatizing an innocent victim. Also, back to fornication, a lot of people, especially women, are severely damaged emotionally when they give in to sexual advances thinking that there is genuine love and respect on the part of the other, only to be crushed to discover they were just being used for sex. And back on homosexuality, the vast majority of child molesters are men, right? Yeah, that includes those who molest young boys. And by the way, did you know that boys who are molested by a man grow up to be homosexual themselves at a much higher rate than the general population. No wonder NAMBLA say “sex before eight before it’s too late”, the bastards.
Now that that particular heavy topic is out of the way, let’s look at some of the less contentious things. Judeo-Christian morals cover a wide variety of things. Stealing is wrong according to those values, and it’s easy to agree when you consider the billions theft costs the economy every year and the psychological damage it causes to individuals who are robbed. Murder is wrong, almost no-one in America would challenge this fact. Rape is as wrong as murder.
These are all nice big topics, but let’s look at some minor ones. When people don’t take a day here and there to rest they burn out, lose their health, and develop psychological problems. So it seems to me that resting on the seventh day of the week just makes sense. If you don’t get drunk you won’t drive drunk, go into a drunken rage, get alcohol poisoning, or get incapacitated and get raped. Ditto for drugs. If you treat people with love and respect they usually return the favor, and that comes in quite handy when you need a friend or need help. If people didn’t steal we wouldn’t need to go to such extremes to protect our property. And if you really want to be silly and argue about the tiniest things, you can’t catch trichinosis if you don’t eat pork.
See, the morals taught in the Bible are all good for physical, emotional, and mental health. Not following these morals degrades the physical, emotional, and mental health of the society that abandons them. So to the social relativists who say anything’s okay as long as no one gets hurt; people are getting hurt every day by people not following Biblical morals. Therefore, by your own philosophy, it is wrong to not live Biblical morals. Chew on that for a bit.
I want to start by saying you are the most ignorant person I have ever meet. I have been reading your site for quite some time, never commenting because I didn't want to start a brawl but you have pushed the envelope today.
Firstly, the Bible was written by man, not God. So there is no way to prove that it is the word of God. Plus, it has been translated and re-written so many times who knows what is real anymore. You can't. Not unless you have the original scripts and can read Aramaic. Let's ask you a question. If someone today walked up to you and told you that God spoke to them, what you you think? You'd think they were crazy, right? So why do you believe someone that said the same thing thousands of years ago?
Secondly, there is NO evidence that supports your claim of AIDS coming from a monkey. It's ludicrous. Contrary to popular belief, too, the first reported case of AIDS was in a heterosexual female in France.
You start by talking about overzealous Christans that give all Christians a bad name. Then you point out NAMBLA. it's the same thing. It's a small group of sick bastards that you are using to define an entire people. In effect, you're doing the same thing you asked everyone not to do to you. Hypocritical? I think so.
On to STD's. Would it surprise you to learn that a better portion of the STD's found in America are reported in the "Bible Belt" states? As far as STDs go, I'll agree some what. The rates of STD's among men is largely in homosexuals, that's inarguable fact. But the rates in women are much higher. And where are all these women getting STDs from? Straight men. Which brings me to my next point.
Men are men no matter what their sexuality. And this is where our problem begins. I cannot begin to tell you how sick I am of heterosexual men talking about how many women they banged. And I am sick of hearing how "I did this girl like this and then left and never called her again" and other stories to the same effect. I want to know what happened to the days when people wanted relationships. This also begs the question of what we are teaching our young boys. For years men have been teaching boys that women are objects that are to be used and abused. Is this really a policy we should be enforcing? This is wher eour main problem lies. In the heterosexual teachings of men to boys.
If you look at human beings as what we are, animals, then you must see that monogamy is not a natural thing for us. Humans, like all other animals, have one instinct- the need to breed. Society has forced upon us that it is natural to be with only one partner, mainly to stop the spread of disease and the mixing of genetics. Monogamy is something needs to be taught and instilled in our young, for it is not our nature. Look at any other animal in the animal kingdom. The only one with monogamous habits are penguins.
Lastly, because I've already given myself a headache because of us, you are preaching "The Bible this, and the Bible that..." but tell me one thing. Doesn't the Bible also say to love thy neighbor, to treat others the way you want to be treated, let he among us without sin throw the first stone, that only God is the one true judge?
So what makes you feel that you can do God's job for him? I suggest you give yourself a once-over before you end up in your own hell.
Unsigned, at 10:21 AM
First let me thank you for reading my blog and for sharing your thoughts here. Welcome to the debate.
Now, point by point.
The AIDS virus originated in apes. To my knowledge the first known human case was not a French woman, but the sailor who gave her AIDS after a trip to Africa. I have never seen or heard anything contrary to this other than your statement here today.
We will have to agree to disagree on the Bible since it is a matter of belief that God Himself spoke to or guided the various men who pened the events and rules contained therein.
I am glad you agree that NAMBLA are a bunch of sick bastards, but you missed the point I was illustrating. The point is that boys who are molested by men become homosexuals at a far greater rate than boys who are not. This is a sampling of the proof indicating that homosexuality is not genetic, but rather psychological and behavioral in nature. I did not intend it to be a charachterization of all homosexuals.
In regards to STD's and heterosexual promiscuity. I acknowledge the disturbingly high instance of STD's in the entire population while pointing out that the highest rates are among homosexual men. I also condemn promiscuity in any form and wil firmly defend the Biblical stance that ALL sexual activity outside of marriage is wrong.
"Look at any other animal in the animal kingdom. The only one with monogamous habits are penguins."
Wrong. You left out geese, ducks, wolves, eagles, seagulls, and a whole slew of other birds and mammals who engage in lifetime monogamy, as well as an even more vast array of animals who engage in serial monogamy, that is, remaining faithful to only one sexual partner at a time until the next breeding season. You are aso overlooking the fact that no other animal in world has as many sexual diseases as humans do. Ever stop to wonder why? I would contend that it is to deter us from behaving in a sexualy promiscuous manner.
Regarding you staement about the Bible telling ot to judge and to love each other. You are right, but you are also out of context. We are fully authorized to condemn ACTIONS, but we are ot allowed to condemn PEOPLE. It is also a very real fact that loving someone des not mean that you must approve of everything peole do. The Bible also exhorts us to chastize one another when we do wrong and says that failure to do so is an act not of love, but of hatred. I am not throwing stones. I am putting out the truth for all to see, not sentencing people to death for sinning; that is God's job and I would never want it, much less try to do it.
Finally, I shall end where you began. My positions that I write are based on research, news, extensive personal study, personal experience, careful thought and analysis, my secular and religious education, and interraction with others who have firsthand experience in various topics. As I have become less ignorant, due to a great deal of learning, I have become more conservative. I have also found that the moe truth I put out the more flak I recieve from people who believe the lies. Does this mean I will 100% correct 100% of the time? No, but it means I will be correct an awful lot. I am also always honest with what I present. I NEVER try to decieve people, and frequently challenge various lies that are popularly believed as I uncover them. I know that challengng lies that are thought to be truths means that I will draw a lot of fire personaly, and yet I neither mind nor care. Truth is more important than comfort.
Again, thanks for commenting here, and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Daniel Levesque, at 11:46 AM
Ok, so I wrote a rebuttal to your comment, but the firewall at work booted me. I hate government computers.
I apologize for you calling you ignorant, you seem rather educated for a conservative. I really appreciate how you didn't attack me and how you supported your points.
I do have to say that your logic is still flawed. No body had sex with a monkey. Reference with the CDC and NIH websites, you'll get the story there.
You'll find we have a lot in common if you get past our different opinions on religion and homosexuality. I do have to agree with Mr. Robbins. Your logic automatically assumes that everyone is Christian and that Christian laws are the only ones to be followed. Remember that pagans and other religions embrace many of the things you are against.
I look forward to talking with you more.
Unsigned, at 4:43 PM
"I have received some flak for stating that Christian morals are a good foundation for American law."
You've received no flak from me for stating that Christian morals are a good foundation etc. I'm saying the twisted version of "Christian morals" of many on the religious right are not a good foundation...
Every time you talk about how peace is preferable to war, I identify with THAT Christian teaching and agree wholeheartedly. It's when you start departing from that sort of teaching that I have problems.
Dan Trabue, at 6:05 PM
1. God is love. He loves his entire creation unconditionally and without reservation.
2. God is just. He has created laws to be followed. When they are not followed there are consequences.
Good post.
juanitagf, at 6:20 PM
1. God is love and set that as the norm for us, we are to love one another, even our enemies.
2. God IS a just God. God has created laws to be followed. If those laws are broken, there are consequences.
3. One of those laws is that we ought to Love our neighbors and enemies. Do good to those who hate us.
4. What are the consequences of breaking that law?
Dan Trabue, at 4:56 AM
Dan T,
You realy don't get it do you?
Since you are, as always, going straight to your personal disagreement with the war we are currently fighing, let me lay it out for you. We ARE doing good unto our enemies, it's being done because it creates friendly nations out of enemies most of the time. Of course, you don't think that liberating 2 countries from oppressive, murderous dictatorial regimes is a good thing. You have stated that many times already. I believe it is a very good thing, a loving thing, and a great mercy for those people. The cost is terrible, but you act like we are criminals while we are not. If you want to know what a proper conscientious objector acts like try doing a study on the Quakers. They limit ther pacifism to religious reasons and don't try to justify it even further by trying to criinalize war the way you have done in previous reponses to other articles here and elsewhere.
Do try to remember that God has granted the power of the sword to the leaders of the nations, and that He has a history of using militarily powerful nations to serve His ultimate purpose, sometimes one of wrath, sometimes one of mercy.
Also remeber tHat Revelation states there weill be a great war at the end of the tribulation where the whole world will be against Israel. Do you think Israel is expected to seek diplomatic means to lovingly defeat their enemies without bloodshed? I hope not since that would be utterly silly and contrary to what is clearly stated in the prophesy.
If you are referring in any way calling sin sin, and chastizing those who engage in it, then you need to read my respone to unsigned since I have already replied to that issue there.
Daniel Levesque, at 6:15 AM
Hello Daniel,
I wanted to let you know that I have linked to this post over on my blog, Christian Pundits
I couldn't agree more with your comments about the moral decay of the world being responsible for alot of the world's problems.
Some may find it surprising that the 16th President of the United States believed this also.
These words are from Lincoln's second Inaugural Address which is engraved on the north wall of his national memorial in Washington, D.C.
"The Almighty has His own purposes. Woe unto the world because of offenses! For it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!
If we shall suppose that American Slavery is one of those offences which, in the providence of God, must needs come, but which, having continued through His appointed time, He now wills to remove, and that He gives to both North and South, this terrible war, as the woe due to those by whom the offence came, shall we discern therein any departure from those divine attributes which the believers in a Living God always ascribe to Him? "
Anonymous, at 10:31 AM
Daniel said "Do try to remember that God has granted the power of the sword to the leaders of the nations, and that He has a history of using militarily powerful nations to serve His ultimate purpose, sometimes one of wrath, sometimes one of mercy"
Did God really grant leaders of nations to leverage their people to engage in war with other people?
By utilizing powerful nations to serve his ultimate purpose, does he not interfere with free will? How could he not but stilll utilize those nations' armies? It seems to me that he either set the world up so that it would play out so that a nation would serve his purpose, in which case this fate would actually limit our free will to do otherwise, or God actually told someone that he was to leverage his nation to serve God's will. Either way, how do we really know that it was not merely man's intention and conscious decision to engage in all previous wars? This paragraph really confused/scared me. Please help me out.
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM
The statement you are referring to is drawn from events and statements recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible. The Most famous example of this is the Babylonian captivity of teh Jews.
The nation of Israel had been in a steady state of rebellion against God for a few hundred years. Therefore, to set them straight, God sent the Babylonians as a conquoring force to take over Israel and enslave its people. It worked too, after 70 years of Babylonian captivity the nation Returned to the ways of God and was allowed to return to Israel and regain their soverignity.
This is only one xample of how God has used armies to serve His purpose, in this case it was a purpose of wrath and chastizement. Yes it was brutal, and many Jews were killed by the sword, and even more by starvation. Israel ceased to be a nation for a time. But, according to God's plan, they were restored to the land, and to God Himself.
God is love, but He is also just. You must know that perfect justice, justice that meets the crime exactly, is a very harsh thing.
Daniel Levesque, at 8:29 AM
God is love
Love is Blind
Stevie Wonder is blind
God is Stevie Wonder
Amazing what circular logic does to a proofless conversation.
"If God is omnipotent, can He create a rock too large for he himself to pickup?"
Anonymous, at 12:09 AM
My opinions on that post about 'morals':
"And back on homosexuality, the vast majority of child molesters are men, right? Yeah, that includes those who molest young boys. And by the way, did you know boys who are molested by a man grow up to be homosexual themselves at a much higher rate than the general population. No wonder NAMBLA say “sex before eight before it’s too late”, the bastards."
Yes, whoever said that is a bastard! This is obvious, paedophiles are sick bastards! But when you try to link this with homosexuality in the same paragraph it lets down your argument. Your logic would imply that all men who molest male kids are homosexuals. This would class men who abuse little girls as heterosexuals. Men who molest kids of both genders are neither homosexual nor heterosexual. They are paedophiles. Which is disgusting, sick, illegal and vile.
"Speaking of AIDS, it would never have come into humanity at all if some sicko hadn’t banged a monkey in the first place."
Huh? What school did you go to to learn that? South Park?
"homosexuals live an average of fifteen years less than their heterosexual counterparts, and this is not including AIDS in the picture. With AIDS it more like twenty years less."
Unbelievable nasty stupidity! Nest you'll be saying that all black people eat their first born.
"Homosexuals have a much incidence of disease, not just STD’s, but disease in general than heterosexuals. In fact, they get sick so much that the cost of providing insurance to employees skyrockets when a company offers it to homosexual partners. It gets so high that companies often have to drop the insurance program altogether."
Thanks for that. Make up some crazy 'facts' to get the selfish people on your side as well as the crazy bigots. That's just foul and insane.
So, you can see why people find your blog very offensive. Or can you not? Probably not.
I thought the Bible was all about 'love thy neighbour' and being nice to each other. Obviously I was worng and it is about being vile, spiteful and making up hateful lies.
Writings like your blog give Christians a bad name and it's why Middle America is regarded as a joke by a large proportion of the media.
DanProject76, at 2:34 AM
Point by point.
1: As I said earlier, I used the NAMBLA story to illustrate how homosexuality is not a biological drive, but is psycholical and behavioral. To expand upon this there is the same correlation between young girls who are molested by men and lesbainism.
2: What school did I learn about Aids originationg on apes and being a traspecies disease? Try "Newsweek", it's not a school, but they do publish a lot about hot scientific and medical issues.
3: The high incidence of disease among Homosexuals has been thorouhly documented. Th emost famous and thorough person to do so is the very same doctor who ws mad into a hero by the liberals for discovering the health effects of secondhand smoke. He has ben made into a villian fo studying, documenting, and publishing the health effects of the homosexual lifestyle.
4: There was a law passed in California reqiring employers to provide the benefits to homosexual couples who live together as they provide to married heterosexuals. The result was that the company isurance plan wound up paing for 8-16x the number of medical procedures, drugs, and doctor's visits for the homosexuals, and as a result the insurance premiums were jacked up so high for the employers that they were forced to drop their insurance benefits for ALL employees. Offended? tough, it's the truth.
As for your assertion about the Bible, It is not vile, hateful, or dishonest to tell the truth as i do here. You don't like the truth, and I understand that. The truth is not friendly to your lifestyle and you find that offensive. Too bad. The truth is never relative, and it doesn't change just because we don't like it. Shoot, there are plenty of things I would like to do that I cannot, and wil not do for the simple reason that the Bible forbids it.
Finaly, to quote a pastor I once heard "If it makes you happy, healthy, holy, and wholesome God allows you to do it."
Have you ever noticed that all the stuff the Bible forbids causes harm, or has the poetentialto cause harm to the person who does it?
Daniel Levesque, at 7:25 AM
The nation of Israel had been in a steady state of rebellion against God for a few hundred years. Therefore, to set them straight, God sent the Babylonians as a conquoring force to take over Israel and enslave its people.
I thought that final judgment came only after the death of the body on earth? Why is it that God can then move an army against people while they are still free agents on earth? I don't understand that. And isn't God impeding on free will when he a) controls an army to do his bidding and b) ends the lives of the rebellious people? Isn't it our choice to be rebellious? Isn't the consequence of our bad choices only realized in the afterlife? I just don't follow how God moving one army of people against another fits into your other Christian views.
Also, justice may be harsh, but did those soldiers who fought in those wars for God deserve to die as well? And I still thought that justice was only really dispensed after death on earth.
One more note: Everything that I have been able to find on the transfer of SIV to HIV suggests that the most widely accepted theory is that it was transferred during the butchering of a monkey, not while having sex with a monkey. I don't really know though. I haven't found anything in Newsweek yet.
Anonymous, at 11:15 AM
So, Dan L, lesbianism is caused by rape and gay boys have been abused? And there is a 'factual' link between dirty paedophiles and the mysterious mythical 'gay agenda'? In your (distorted) dreams, mate.
As to your 'disease' comment, it's bull and I couldn't quite understand your response due to the typos. Sorry, not trying to be picky but I didn't understand that bit. You have no facts or proper examples except your own very confenient hompohobic opinions and this is not helping your argument at all.
You own agenda is painfully transparent at all times, at least I have facts to back up my opinions as I am living the so-called 'lifestyle choice' and have known many of 'my kind' over the years. I find you quite offensive, to be honest, as you look down on anybody who isn't an A grade Bible student.
Other Gods are available.
Other books are available.
Jane Austen's books are popular. Should all women wear bonnets?
Good day, kind Sir!
DanProject76, at 2:01 PM
M Brandon Robbins,
I did not refute my own argument, I merely neglected to delve deeply into the psychology that causes the phenomena dicussed. I shall fix that problem now.
1: The psychological trigger in boys that turns many of them homosexual after being molested is roles and confusion. They come to believe that they really are what they were treated as, that being a sexual object for other men.
2: Girls who wer emolested turn to lesbianism at such high rates for the same reason many women who are raped or abused do - hatred of men. The emotional damage done to them causes them to be unable to allow thnselves to attach to men emotionally, and therefore their sexual function will either become dysfunctional, or they will turn to lesbianism because they A- feel safe with women, and B- still have a desire to express themselves sexually with a loved one, and the only ones they can love are women.
The full details are much longer and more complex. I have just summarized a simplified version of what the research has proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
The above should also answer you last comment.
Oh and one other thing . . .
"Other Gods are available."
Actually, no there aren't. There is only one God, all others are false, imaginings, or demonic pretenders.
Daniel Levesque, at 2:46 PM
As an ignorant right-winger, I'd just like to say that was an awesome post, Dan!
Living by the Bible would solve many modern problems, unquestionably.
Virgins until marriage, and stay monogamous; no more AIDS, etc.
The examples are endless.
Rock on, Dan.
The Conservative UAW Guy, at 9:14 AM
"The psychological trigger in boys that turns many of them homosexual after being molested..."
And how many times would you need to be molested by dudes before turning gay, Dr. Levesque?
Dan Trabue, at 9:46 AM
What Dan Trabue just said...
Dan L, saying that stuff about molested boys becoming gay is not only offensive to gay people but to kids who have been molested.
DanProject76, at 2:33 PM
Boy molested by man = gay.
Woman molested by man = lesbian.
Boy molested by woman = transvestite.
Girl molested by gay guy = bunny rabbit.
Didn't you guys learn anything in science?!
Dan Trabue, at 4:32 PM
Ah yes, mockery, the constant tool of the left when they are cornered by facts. The only person still debating who has not resorted to this is M.Brandon Robbins. And to his request I shall say . . . I need to dig up the research again. What I have stated here regarding the psychology of molested children and sexuality was learned by me 3 years ago.
There ARE other results of molestation and rape that are common. Most them involve some form of sexual dysfunction. Nymphomania, homosexuality, frigidity, pedophilia, bisexuality, lack of interest in sex with others while engaging in excessive and strange forms of autoerotica, the desire to be sexually tortured, all of these are some of the potential effects of sexual molestation and rape at a young age, and to a far lesser degree when the victim is older. This is not to say that none of the victims grow up sexually normal afterward, a few do just that, but usually only after recieving intensive therapy or counseling.
Daniel Levesque, at 8:03 AM
M. Brandon, you're right there. I do not have a 'disorder' of any kind. Thanks.
DanProject76, at 2:25 PM
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