An Abortion Quickie
One of the most common arguments hear from supporters of abortion is that there is no such medical procedure as "partial birth abortion".
Well, then you won't mind if we ban them, will you?
Well, then you won't mind if we ban them, will you?
Partial birth abortion is such a nice term for sticking scissors into newborn's heads. Sometimes I think that the whole point of liberalism is to make things sound better than they are.
Anonymous, at 12:00 PM
meanwhile, drs in the next room are working desperately to save the life of a baby who was born prematurely at 6 months...
Libby, at 1:45 PM
Daniel: Well, then you won't mind if we ban them, will you?
No, I won’t mind at all.
Anonymous, at 1:53 PM
I am not a woman so have not been in the horrible situation of needing an abortion. I don't like the idea of miniature unborn potential people who could not survive outside the womb being killed and I am sure that nobody else does. Life sucks, abortion sucks but it should not be made illegal.
DanProject76, at 3:00 PM
What about those who could survive outside the womb?
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
Since we are in abortion let's talk about the prisons in Abu Gharib and Guantanamo Bay where they preformed forced abortions on women and young girls...
I wonder if they send the carcass over to the bohemian grove where they sacrifice it in effigy
You know that Bush approved an abortion on a 15 year old he knocked up during his so called military days...we can definitely talk about that!
Anonymous, at 5:44 AM
You really DO beleive everything you read on, don't you? I do believe you are mixing up American activities with the Chinese. After an extensive search I couldn't even find a credible source that even listed young girls among the prisoners at either facility, much less one that spoke about abortions being performed on them. And your assertion regarding Bush is baseless as well.
Somehow though, I'm not surprised that a far leftie would seek to ddefend abortions by accusing America of atrocities.
I'm a bit surprised here. Are you saying that while you approve of abortion there is a point in the pregancy whe you would be willing to ban them? If so you would be the first abortion supporter who comments on this blog to take such a position.
Daniel Levesque, at 9:19 AM
I think some people with wombs need to comment on the complicated moral issues surrounding abortion.
DanProject76, at 9:28 AM
Don't you just love Liberal Trolls?
Tom, at 11:56 AM
BTW - you have been linked to my blog.
Tom, at 11:57 AM
Now let's stop this whole left/right wing useless name calling and stick with the subject. Obviously you would believe the government deny all of these forced abortions on children and women in the prison? I would doubt you did research. There is no way they would tell you about forced abortions on young children. Obviously that would be classified information...
Yes they did have forced abortions in China and the so called conservative leader (aka Satanist) Pat Roberson condones the act? Do I find it particularly strange that a man of Christian faith can fathom this atrocious mess...
Now let's stick with the bohemian grove. We have an all men group who dress in robes and involve themselves in a mock baby ritual called the cremation of care....have you heard of it?
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM
So, do you wear many tinfoil hats?
Daniel Levesque, at 8:45 PM
"So, do you wear many tinfoil hats?" ROTFALMAO! You really do attract the moonbats, don't you Daniel?
You're post is right on. If there's no such thing as "partial birth abortion" then why get upset about us banning it? Actually, the only thing I'm able to ban these days is liberal trolls from my blog, which I do whenever they show up.
Daniel, you have way more patience than I do. Kudos! :)
Also, I am a woman. I am against abortion on demand. I don't think anyone's daughter who is a minor, should be able to go to school, tell her counselor she is pregnant, and have an abortion arranged for her without parental consent. AND IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!
Blasted liberals are ruining the country, and the ACLU is the devil's advocate for sure.
Gayle, at 10:02 PM
I’m sorry, what did I say to make you think that I approve of abortion?
Abortion is a complex issue that I haven’t considered in depth, but I’ll try to tell you where I stand at the moment. I’m willing to change my stance after further consideration.
Perhaps needless to say, I don’t believe that life begins at conception. After all, the cells were already alive before conception. I don’t think it is wrong to use the ‘morning after’ pill and I don’t think it is wrong to perform abortions in the case where the mother’s life is in danger, the woman was raped or the child would die soon after birth anyway.
In general, I think is wrong is to terminate a pregnancy when there is nothing wrong with the foetus simply because the mother doesn’t want the burden. In particular, I think it is wrong to terminate a pregnancy after the foetus is viable unless the mother’s life is in danger. I presumed, in your original post, that you meant there would be exceptions.
Anonymous, at 1:55 AM
Anonymous said...
"Now let's stop this whole left/right wing useless name calling and stick with the subject."
geez, did you think that maybe the reason why you are being called a left-winger, is because you're acting like one?
"Obviously you would believe the government deny all of these forced abortions on children and women in the prison? I would doubt you did research. There is no way they would tell you about forced abortions on young children. Obviously that would be classified information..."
Where do you get this BS? There aren't any female detainees in either prison, so how can an abortion take place?! The last time I checked, men can't have babies, but then I guess I haven't checked in a while now have I?
Cody O'Connor, at 4:11 AM
Cody -
Different Anonymous here, and one not to buy into conspiracy theories like that other one.
Cody said,
Where do you get this BS? There aren't any female detainees in either prison, so how can an abortion take place?!
The terrorists in Iraq took 3 hostages, two Americans and a British man. They demanded the release of women held in Abu Ghraib Prison or these men would be killed. The US released the women shortly afterward and said it had nothing to do with the hostages. NOW there are no women prisoners held.
Now, whether or not an abortion took place with these women is unknown, and I would not be the one to throw that accusation around. But get your facts straight.
- Other Anonymous,
Stop the conspiracy theories you nut. They're as bad as Daniel's theories of scientific data being changed just to discredit Creationist/ID info.
Anonymous, at 6:56 AM
Thanks for clarifying, I assumed by yuour response that you approved of abortion in general but held reservations regarding late term abortions. Interestingl, by your statements here we actually appear to be closely aligned on the abortion issue. Pu simply, it must remain an option to save the life of the mother, but there should be no elective abortions, and while I would like to see the wole concept of abortions for "health" reasons eradicated, it should, at the very least, be clarified and narrowed down to some appropriate health problems that present a serious danger to the life of the mother.
Anonomys #2,
I'm not sure what to say . . . you blasted anonomys #1 for his lunacy, but then you put me in the same category . . .
Daniel Levesque, at 8:50 AM
Daniel -
I'm an equal opportunity slammer. Not to mention, conspiracy theories just irk me.
I did say,
Stop the conspiracy theories you nut. They're as bad as Daniel's theories of scientific data being changed just to discredit Creationist/ID info.
But to be honest, this guy is worse. Sorry to lump you in with him. You are on two different levels...
Hmm. I need to work on my apologies I think.
Anonymous, at 9:18 AM
gee I guess you are all bunch of loons.
I heard jeff gannon is for sale as a male escort he needs some forcable entry. hmm can he be one of the gay pornos from your favorite bohemian grove?
I think Karl Rove would want some of that hunky piece of meat...
Anonymous, at 4:18 PM
for cody: be gone! I have no time for your trifiling name calls...or seeing that zionist star hidden away
Danny let's get back to the subject on the Bohemian Grove instead of loony talk of Bush Saluting, and venomous verbal attacks...also on the use of forced abortions.
maybe you should read about bohemian grove and their occultic rituals
Anonymous, at 4:32 PM
O joy, Anonomys #1 is a racist anti-semite. I am a Zionist and proud of it! Move to an Arab country where your putrid hatred will be acceptable, we don't need your kind here.
Daniel Levesque, at 8:07 PM
I agree with most of y'all here. Partial-birth abortion is a sick and sadistic method of ending life. We wouldn't kill dogs in that way.
MJ, at 3:37 PM
What we mind is the government wasting time with pointless political jingoism. The "partial birth abortion ban" is nothing but political "red meat" designed to get social conservatives to the polls. That's why the ban has been held as unconstitutional by 3 different courts: it doesn't ban any procedure that actually exists.
By the way, I love complaints about "abortion on demand", as if there's any other kind. EVERY medical procedure is done "on demand"; "forced" abortions are illegal. But then, that's not the point, is it Gayle? The point is to use terms like "abortion on demand" to conjure up this mythological stereotype of the promiscuous young woman blithely aborting pregnancies as a means of birth control. It's an ugly sexist stereotype that only exists in the conservative mind...
Samurai Sam, at 10:50 AM
Seriously, I'm sexist against young women?
MJ, at 12:52 PM
She has you there Sam. She IS a young woman.
Daniel Levesque, at 12:49 AM
Daniel and Mary Ann -
1. Discrimination based on gender, especially discrimination against women.
2. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.
People of different gender and race can turn on those of their own. A woman can be sexist against women - She has no right to be working! She has no right to be preaching, that's a man's job! Etc.. Years ago a black man could have joined the organization named the Blue Veins... if their skin was light enough in color. These members would discriminate and look down on those with darker skin.
So yeah, it can happen. Who knows if you are? Hard to say from just a few random writings now and then.
Anonymous, at 8:13 PM
I think you should stop on the AdHominem Attack and let's talk about the Bohemian Grove. Do you know about the rituals or the cremation of care? What about Bush Carter and Clinton just to name a few since they are part of the Bohemain Grove?
What do you think since your leader is a part of a satanic ritual?
2 Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism even though Trotsky is the major founder of the group.
Anonymous, at 6:27 AM
I've wondered that myself!
"Nobody ever does that!"
"Then why all the money spent to fight a ban?"
And they don't notice the inherent illogic in their own statements!
Christina Dunigan, at 8:15 AM
dan project 76: The "need" for abortion is in people's heads, not women's wombs.
Christina Dunigan, at 8:16 AM
People of different gender and race can turn on those of their own.
Uhhhh... (Scratching head) Yeah, I suppose so... just seems like an odd concept there.
And no, I don't think that women should be ordained ministers. But what does that have to do with partial-birth abortion?
MJ, at 6:28 PM
And no, I don't think that women should be ordained ministers. But what does that have to do with partial-birth abortion?
Umm.. you asked if you were sexist.
And, according to your statement about ordained ministers and women...
Definition #2: Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.
...says you are.
You really don't think women should be ordained? Are they not as capable of preaching to the masses as a man? Please explain.
Anonymous, at 6:47 AM
I don't think that women should be ordained because I believe that being a Pastor is a job that God intended for men to do. I don't, however, have any problem with women preaching, I just don't like them being Pastors. I don't really want to get into this debate right now, though.
"Umm.. you asked if you were sexist.
And, according to your statement about ordained ministers and women...
Definition #2: Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender."
Well, in my opinion, stereotyping someone has nothing to do with murder.
MJ, at 1:50 PM
mary ann: I don't think that women should be ordained because I believe that being a Pastor is a job that God intended for men to do.
I see. So it is God who is being sexist.
Anonymous, at 5:01 PM
Hmm, interesting stuff since the last time I posted here.
What I am gathering from the liberals is that anyone who opposes is a sexist bigot, and if that person happens to be a woman she not just a sexist bigot, but also an Uncle Tom.
Sounds like a pretty sexist and bigoted stance to me you hyppocrites.
Anonomys #1,
Why do you keep posting your psychotic delusions here?
Daniel Levesque, at 11:50 PM
Sounds like a pretty sexist and bigoted stance to me you hyppocrites.
I was going to create a long post about how wrong you are. But instead i'm just going to call you an idiot.
Yes Daniel, we're sexist and bigoted because we feel people shouldn't be pigeonholed by your, and Mary Ann's, limited world view.
Let's be glad your campaign will fail, you're bad for the world and horrible for anyone that isn't you.
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM
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