Unusual, To Say the Least
Am I the only one who is struck by the way that every Bush hater also hates Donald Rumsfeld, the Secretary of Defense? Can anyone think of government functionary other than John Edgar Hoover who has been the target of so much Hatred? John Ashcroft was hated by the liberals, but not nearly so much as Donald Rumsfeld.
It seems to me that Donald Rumsfeld, to be referred to simply as Rumsfeld from here on out, is the target of so much hatred simply because he has been tasked by the President with managing the military during wartime. We are fighting a war. Somebody has to run it. The President has chosen Rumsfeld. And now, he is one of the most hated people (by liberals) in America. Why? SOMEBODY has to do his job.
Truthfully, I don’t think it matters who the Secretary of Defense is, as long as that person is working for this President during this war he will be despised by the liberals. It is a blind, ideological hatred that has nothing to do with what is right or reasonable. The liberals just want to froth at the mouth for some reason.
John Edgar Hoover was hated by liberals in his day for his work protecting the US from the Communist threat. It is well known that Communists had heavily infiltrated the Democratic Party, and all levels of government under Democratic administrations at the time. Further proof can be seen in all of the Socialist ideology rampaging through the Democrats to this day.
For this vital work, liberals have lied, calling him a cross-dressing homosexual, a provably false claim, and one started as the typical liberal tactic of “discredit through name-calling”. A childish tactic to be sure, but a common liberal tactic nonetheless.
The cemetery the John Edgar Hoover is buried in has been fenced in and opened up dogs as a free-run park of sorts. People bring their dogs there every day to let them run free in a vast, beautifully manicured field. They also frequently take their dogs to John Edgar Hoover’s grave and have the dog urinate on the gravesite. The grave was fenced off some time back due to vandalism, but these liberals still have their dogs piss as close as they can to the grave itself. This, and the vandalism of John Edgar Hoover’s grave are symptomatic of the ability of liberals to hate forever without forgiveness for imagined wrongs. The man has been dead, what, 50 years? GET OVER IT! What he did for this country is far greater and more vital thing then any liberal I can think of with the exceptions of FDR who led us through WWII and the Depression, and JFK after he got behind the Civil Rights movement. Are there any conservative busy defacing their graves for doing such great and vital services to our country?
This mentality of hate from the liberals is getting tiresome, but is unlikely to go away. It is also a big reason why the liberals are unlikely to gain power in the government again at this time despite the blunders and disappointments of the current batch of Republicans. Their hatred is alienating not just conservatives, but the moderates who are the ones who actually decide elections.
It seems to me that Donald Rumsfeld, to be referred to simply as Rumsfeld from here on out, is the target of so much hatred simply because he has been tasked by the President with managing the military during wartime. We are fighting a war. Somebody has to run it. The President has chosen Rumsfeld. And now, he is one of the most hated people (by liberals) in America. Why? SOMEBODY has to do his job.
Truthfully, I don’t think it matters who the Secretary of Defense is, as long as that person is working for this President during this war he will be despised by the liberals. It is a blind, ideological hatred that has nothing to do with what is right or reasonable. The liberals just want to froth at the mouth for some reason.
John Edgar Hoover was hated by liberals in his day for his work protecting the US from the Communist threat. It is well known that Communists had heavily infiltrated the Democratic Party, and all levels of government under Democratic administrations at the time. Further proof can be seen in all of the Socialist ideology rampaging through the Democrats to this day.
For this vital work, liberals have lied, calling him a cross-dressing homosexual, a provably false claim, and one started as the typical liberal tactic of “discredit through name-calling”. A childish tactic to be sure, but a common liberal tactic nonetheless.
The cemetery the John Edgar Hoover is buried in has been fenced in and opened up dogs as a free-run park of sorts. People bring their dogs there every day to let them run free in a vast, beautifully manicured field. They also frequently take their dogs to John Edgar Hoover’s grave and have the dog urinate on the gravesite. The grave was fenced off some time back due to vandalism, but these liberals still have their dogs piss as close as they can to the grave itself. This, and the vandalism of John Edgar Hoover’s grave are symptomatic of the ability of liberals to hate forever without forgiveness for imagined wrongs. The man has been dead, what, 50 years? GET OVER IT! What he did for this country is far greater and more vital thing then any liberal I can think of with the exceptions of FDR who led us through WWII and the Depression, and JFK after he got behind the Civil Rights movement. Are there any conservative busy defacing their graves for doing such great and vital services to our country?
This mentality of hate from the liberals is getting tiresome, but is unlikely to go away. It is also a big reason why the liberals are unlikely to gain power in the government again at this time despite the blunders and disappointments of the current batch of Republicans. Their hatred is alienating not just conservatives, but the moderates who are the ones who actually decide elections.
So, let me get this straight... Liberals are evil, evil, evil.
I'm not sure I see as much Rumsfeld hatred as you do. Maybe we run in different circles. I'm in Liberal circles that don't talk about it much, and you're in Conservative circles that assume we talk about it. Maybe I'm wrong.
What I do know for certain is, without Rumsfeld we wouldn't have the quote,
Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
And that saddens me to even consider it.
Btw, can we get the link on this dog urination by liberals on the Hoover gravesite thing?
Anonymous, at 11:00 AM
"Truthfully, I don’t think it matters who the Secretary of Defense is, as long as that person is working for this President during this war he will be despised by the liberals."
DL, I'll say it again: This is not about us hating any person - it's about thinking that the policy that is being put in place is dangerous and unamerican. If you thought Bush were implementing dangerous and unamerican policies, you'd react strongly against them, would you not?
Would not some who are so strongly opposed to policies that seem dangerous and unamerican even go so far as to say they hate those implementing it? Quite possibly.
Disagree with us if you must but be intellectually honest and quit talking about this in terms of "I hate him," and trying to make it in to some sort of childish fuss-fit.
Dan Trabue, at 11:52 AM
Guess you're the proof of the "intelligence" of the Left. It would take a brain and basic cognitive thought processes to comprehend what Rumsfeld is saying in that quote. Kinda like, "Doesn't expecting the unexpected make the unexpected the expected?" You have to THINK. I actually admire Rumsfeld--he's a REAL man. He can hold his own in any verbal sparring match with any liberal out there. The Liberal-biased media usually ask him such stupid questions (you know like that Helen that is close to 100 years old) that he says such things.
BTW, We can all thank Kerry for "I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it." Brilliant huh?
Crazy Daisy, at 1:42 PM
Are you actually red-baiting, Daniel? That's a real blast from the past, I have to tell you. You'll have to start sprinkling your rants with "Pinko Commie Liberals" instead of just "liberals".
I don't hate Rummy; I hate his policies. I hate his incompetence. I hate the way he lies in every press conference he gives, disrespecting our soldiers by pretending Iraq is a cakewalk. I hate the way he lies about the strength of the Iraqi military. He's our generation's Robert McNamara. He seems to believe that he can tell one enormous lie about Iraq after another and the American people will just swallow it down (I guess some do, actually). Anyone who can read can find out that Iraq is a disaster. But perhaps most I hate his stubborn clinging to the "Tinkerbell" strategy of military deployment; that somehow if we just believe with all our hearts in "the mission", and clap really hard, that suddenly Iraq and Afghanistan will magically transform into modern peaceful democracies. It's insulting that the Sec of Defense talks to the American people like we're too stupid to understand what's really going on in the world.
As for Ashcroft, he was just another theocratic religious nut in a country full of theocratic religious nuts. I will give him some credit for at least having a modicum of ethics. At least rubberstamping torture and illegal spying bothered his conscience.
Samurai Sam, at 2:00 PM
By the way, Daniel, I may have found the perfect political party for you. Wisconsin Public Radio is doing a series this week highlighting smaller political parties and they talked to the chair of the Constitution Party. Christianity is openly part of their platform and they mention Jesus Christ in their preamble. They believe the U.S. was founded by Xtians to be a Xtian nation, they're against gays, abortion and the separation of the Christian church and the state. They support the war, the death penalty and a liberalized interpretation of the 2nd Amendment. They only have 200 members in WI, but do hold two elected offices. You should give their site a look.
Samurai Sam, at 2:04 PM
I actually admire Rumsfeld--he's a REAL man.
Yeah, it takes a "REAL man" to get other people's kids killed in a mismanaged war. What a hero...
By the way, the press person you're thinking of is Helen Thomas. Too bad for poor Rummy if he can't even answer a simple question. I have a suggestion for him: try telling the truth for once. No question from the press corps would be hard at all if he just told the American people the truth. Besides, what kind of cry baby can't answer a few questions about their job? If he can't take the heat, then he should resign.
Samurai Sam, at 2:08 PM
Samurai Sam, where exactly is proof of Rumsfeld's "lies"? You can reasonably say he "spins" Iraq, (I don't think so.) but where are his "lies"?
Anyone who can read can find out that Iraq is a disaster
Really? Approximately 2000 have died.
There have been 3 elections.
The have an elected government.
Troops are being trained.
WWI. American deaths: 116,688, with 204,002 wounded.
Total WWII casualties: 406, 000.
Korean war: 25,604 killed, 103,392
wounded, and 7955 missing.
Over 50,000 dead in Vietnam.
How long was it until Eastern Europe was "stable"?
Has Vietnam had even one free election?
Did Korea have a freely elected government and constitution less than 5 years after the original conflict?
Iraq is not perfect, and Bush better be taking some solid steps to avoid a civil war. But it's not a disaster, and it's not a quagmire. Unless nearly every war throughout history was, also.
Where's proof that Ashcroft was "theocratic"? Just because he's a Christian Conservative? I don't remember anything politically outstanding he ever did.
"Rubberstamping torture"? What's torture? Water-boarding? Calling 'em names? Extreme temps? That's all I remember being "rubberstamped."
As for the original post? I don't understand why, but yes, I see a lot of hatred towards Rumsfeld. I don't know why. Of course, the left hates Condi, too.
Rebekah, at 2:26 PM
I think you have your Hoovers mixed up.
Herbert Hoover was President 1929-1933 and died in 1964.
John Edgar Hoover was the director of the FBI and died in 1972.
Anonymous, at 3:31 PM
perhaps the reason you and your ilk dislike Rumsfeld so much is because he is telling the truth about Iraq. I've got friends that have been there. They know what its really like--not the picture Hollyweird and Liberals like you are trying to portray. Oh well. Guess there's no hope for some people. I really can not understand why you will choose to believe everything you hear concerning Iraq from people who have never even been there. You don't want the US to succeed. You want failure for Bush and Conservatives. So, just keep living in your imaginary world. Ya know, I thought Liberals were for progress? What exactly would you call an elected government by the people, loads more running water, more electricity, new schools, etc. What would you call THAT? And I think you are confused about the media asking Rumsfeld hard questions--they ask the most insane questions that he has to find a way to phrase his response so that they can understand it. I love the man. He reminds me of Zell Miller. :) Integrity, boldness, honesty--these describe these men. I don't expect you to know what they mean, so don't feel bad if you have to consult a dictionary.
And the next time you find yourself in the midst of some of our finest military men in uniform, ask them what they think about Rumsfeld--I have. Do you realize how much harm Liberals and their LIES about Iraq hurt our troops morale? Idiots like Kerry and Kennedy and their kind, who are not in Iraq, make stupid comments that end up on the limited radio transmissions they have over there. Thank goodness they have access to Rush Limbaugh. *gasp* Yep, that Rush. Luv him too. The number one news channel over there is Fox. Hmmm....wonder why? Oh wait, you would have to think to figure it out.
And as for Rumsfeld "getting other peoples kids killed in a mismanaged war", the last time I looked, our military is still voluntary. *Oops, big word.* That means the men and women who sign the dotted line WANT to serve our country. Can you even comprehend that kind of patriotism and love for fellow Americans, love of freedom and all that is right and good? They are doing it even for people like you. Volunteer--look it up sometime. Mismanaged war--just who exactly do you think should manage it? France? Russia? China? South Korea? No wait, I know. The UN. *sigh* Don't understand you and you ilk.
And as for Helen Thomas--I know her name. I'm just messing with your head. Her and Ted Kennedy would be perfect for each other......
If you really believe everything you read and hear about Iraq, then I have a bridge in NY I'd love to sell to you......
Crazy Daisy, at 4:08 PM
Anonmys, 2nd posting,
You're right. I did get them mixed up. I did mean John Edgar Hoover. Error fixed.
Anonomys 1st posting,
No link. Read it in the Weekly Standard 6 months ago.
No red-baiting. Are you denying that the Democrats share a great deal of ideology with the Socialists? You know, things like wealth redistribution, socialized healthcare, and the list could go on for pages.
Also, your comments here have been kinda proving my point on this post. You are making a lot of accusations and calling names but not really presenting any facts. Just you rbelief that it is all as you say.
Dan T and Anonomys post 1. You can't seriously mean to say that you have not seen the way President Bush, VP Cheny, and Donald Rumsfeld are constanltly lumped together as a group of evil bent on destroying the world and subjugating America? You mean you don't know about all those lefties spouting hate at the three of them? Ah, forget it. Live in denial if you want to.
Welcome back.
Daniel Levesque, at 5:46 PM
True. A good example of liberals reflexivelly hating Bush is this: the UAE port deal. Normally the Democrats would be all for this deal, saying we were racist, but because it is Bush's deal they hate it. Conversally, the Republicans who should hate it because it lowers national security, love it because it's a Bush deal. For the record I'm against the deal, agreeing with the Democrats for oh, maybe the 4th time in my life. But it's a prime example of how the Dems automatically hate Bush and co. and the Republicans automatically love him. Either way it's not right.
Anonymous, at 6:15 PM
Dan T: I don't think they hate Rumsfeld just because of his job. It may have more to do with the man himself, in the same was as Bush is not mister popular. And maybe it's because he is portrayed, like Bush, as an imbecile. Or because of the ridiculous war. Or the dreadful foreign policies. Or the scary rich/poor divide in America. Or the way they deal with things like hurricanes. I don't know, but from what I see of your great leaders they are hated for a wide range of things.
Rebekah: "Iraq is not perfect, and Bush better be taking some solid steps to avoid a civil war" : Wake up, girl! Watch the news, see how many people are getting blown up and mangled every day in their civil war. It's been going on for years now!
Samurai Sam: "But perhaps most I hate his stubborn clinging to the "Tinkerbell" strategy of military deployment; that somehow if we just believe with all our hearts in "the mission", and clap really hard, that suddenly Iraq and Afghanistan will magically transform into modern peaceful democracies" : That's a good way of looking at it!
Daisy: "You don't want the US to succeed. You want failure for Bush and Conservatives. So, just keep living in your imaginary world" : Oh come on now, you must be having a laugh! Imaginary world? US to succeed? Succeed in what? Iraq will never be a USA Franchise. It ain't gonna happen! A whole different world with a whole different culture. It's like PETA invading McDonalds to bomb them into vegetarianism!
DanProject76, at 12:32 AM
DL said:
"Are you denying that the Democrats share a great deal of ideology with the Socialists? You know, things like wealth redistribution, socialized healthcare, and the list could go on for pages."
I don't know about Sam but, Yes, I would deny that the Dems share much ideology with the socialists.
Socialism is for state control of everything. SOME Dems might think socialized healthcare might be a good thing. That is a far cry from sharing values with socialists.
(I'll give you that it is ONE area where you could find at least a partial commonality. But you mentioned pages of commonalities with a state-controlled system. I can think of no others, feel free to share them though.)
As for redistribution of wealth, well that happens with both the dems and the republicans currently. The thing is, the redistribution of wealth is done via economic policies and is generally and upward redistribution of wealth.
This is not necessarily a defense of the Dems or of socialism - just pointing out a poor analysis on your part and a bit of hyperbole. Many of y'all use "socialism" like a club to beat hapless democrats into submission to the Socialism of the Corporacracy. It's just a school of thought and it is largely ignored here in the US. Certainly by our leadership.
Dan Trabue, at 5:00 AM
in the same was as Bush is not mister popular.
Um he got elected twice. I don't like Clinton and I'll admit he was popular. Why can't you do the same for Bush.
Wake up, girl! Watch the news, see how many people are getting blown up and mangled every day in their civil war. It's been going on for years now!
What you're basically saying is that Iraq was better under a dictator and stable, than under a free government and a bit unstable. Interesting.
Samurai Sam: "But perhaps most I hate his stubborn clinging to the "Tinkerbell" strategy of military deployment; that somehow if we just believe with all our hearts in "the mission", and clap really hard, that suddenly Iraq and Afghanistan will magically transform into modern peaceful democracies" : That's a good way of looking at it!
Really? The soldiers believe in the mission. Are you going to deny that they know what they're talking about?
Many of y'all use "socialism" like a club to beat hapless democrats into submission to the Socialism of the Corporacracy.
You're probably right, but Republicans get called Nazis and the like. Both sides make some strong accusations of the other.
Anonymous, at 5:21 AM
Thank you, DS! for owning up to a point. And yes, doubtless some on the left do some nazi-name-calling, too.
I'm suggesting we'd do better to do neither.
What I'm totally fine with is saying, for instance, "What you're proposing for health care is a form of socialism and it won't work because A, B and C..." and list your reasons. That's entirely reasonable and sane.
Likewise, I'm fine with folk saying, "You know, historically fascism has been marked by 1, 2, 3,... and 40. We're seeing 30 of those 40 symptoms now!"
This is not calling those in power fascists, it is looking at the facts and comparing them to history.
Comparisons I'm fine with and think are helpful, especially when they're linked to specific information.
But repeatedly calling the Others Socialists, Commies, or Fascists and Nazis causes more trouble than it's worth and, generally speaking, is just not true.
So thanks, DS.
Dan Trabue, at 6:07 AM
Dan T,
Okay, you asked for it.
Welfare is a socialist program of wealth redistribution.
The current tax system that penalizes the biggest earners is also a socialist ideal, and part of a wealth redistribution system.
Socialized healthcare is a popular idea among Democrats. Very obviously socialism.
Most Democrats are opposed to any school voucher program for the primary reason that it takes education out of the nearly exclusive hands of the government. Socialism.
Medicare and medicaid, not only socialist for being governmentalized health care, but also for the fact that the payoff for the ervice is your entire estate upon death, preventing what meager wealth the average American is able to accumulate in life from being willed to the next generation.
Going back to taxes, do Democrats, or do they not want to RAISE taxes on the biggest earners even more?
Many Democrats are all for heavy government influence in the private sector of business. While SOME regulation is neccessary, EEO, EPA, OSHA these same programs do get taken to far at times, and many dems want them expanded along with other other programs, and to create new programs to regulate business even more.
A hefty chunk of Democrats speak out very regularly about the evils of the corporation just like you do Dan. It is a mantra of the Socialist.
The hostility toward all things religious in governemnt is actually a Communist ideal. Guess which party engages in this?
Shall I continue, or have I made my point?
Daniel Levesque, at 7:52 AM
Daisy -
I meant when I said I liked the quote. It really is a good one. Seriously. He has a lot of them, actually. However, since I'm an evil liberal I was only making fun of him and unable to comprehend the greatness that is Rumsfeld.
Maybe your hatred of evil liberals has blinded you completely to such things. Tsk tsk.
Anonymous, at 7:53 AM
Dan L :"Going back to taxes, do Democrats, or do they not want to RAISE taxes on the biggest earners even more?"
As I am not American I am curious about this. What percentage of their earnings do Americans pay in tax? Can I have a few figures from the average earner to the super-rich please?
And what do you get for your tax money? I gather that healthcare isn't free but education is?
DanProject76, at 9:46 AM
Daisy: the last time I looked, our military is still voluntary. *Oops, big word.* That means the men and women who sign the dotted line WANT to serve our country. Can you even comprehend that kind of patriotism and love for fellow Americans, love of freedom and all that is right and good? They are doing it even for people like you. Volunteer--look it up sometime.
A recent poll of the US troops in Iraq showed that the majority of them (72%) think the US should leave Iraq within one year and 29% said the US should leave immediately. I’m guessing that even though they may have volunteered to join the regular forces, the reserves or the National Guard, they don’t really want to be in Iraq.
Darksaturos: Really? The soldiers believe in the mission. Are you going to deny that they know what they're talking about?
The same poll showed that 42% of them don’t even know what the mission is.
The wide-ranging poll also shows that 58% of those serving in country say the U.S. mission in Iraq is clear in their minds, while 42% said it is either somewhat or very unclear to them, that they have no understanding of it at all, or are unsure.
Anonymous, at 12:12 PM
Thanks for offering more examples of what you're talking about. A few comments.
"A hefty chunk of Democrats speak out very regularly about the evils of the corporation just like you do Dan. It is a mantra of the Socialist."
Perhaps. But it is also the mantra of the moralist, the libertarian, the labor member and the agrarian - to name but a few - who are concerned about unchecked corporate power. Just because we all view corporations with wary eyes doesn't mean we're socialists.
"The hostility toward all things religious in governemnt is actually a Communist ideal."
And the Dems are anti-religion? What's your source for that? Are they opposed to babies and puppies, too?
"Many Democrats are all for heavy government influence in the private sector of business."
And many Republicans are all for heavy government influence in the private lives of citizens. Your point?
As you said, some regulations are necessary. I don't view this as socialism. I view it as legislation to hold people accountable for their own actions.
Corporation X wants to pollute. I, their neighbor, don't want them to pollute. Who gives their "right" to pollute greater priority than my right to not be polluted upon? Those opposed to regulations. This is not a socialism issue.
"it takes education out of the nearly exclusive hands of the government. Socialism."
Believing in public education makes you a socialist? Then were Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Noah Webster all socialists? They believed in the need for public education, you know.
"welfare is a socialist program..."
Says you. I say it is a fiscally responsible response to people in need. Not dealing with Welfare will generate a greater loss economically to our society than providing responsible welfare.
What of those programs and policies that send wealth upwards? Is that socialism, too? If so, then does that mean that most Republicans are socialists?
"Shall I continue, or have I made my point?"
I reckon you better continue. I've found no pinkos lurking in the Dem party yet, based upon your "findings."
Daniel, some folk have different thoughts on how best to deal with economic and political realities. Just because they/we think differently than you does not mean we want a socialist form of gov't.
And even if we did want a socialist form of gov't, well, that'd be okay, too. There have been/are socialist democracies out there and they're struggling by. No system is perfect and we're all just trying to find what makes the most sense. Disagree with us if you must, but understand that the opposition are not monsters.
We don't operate based upon hate but upon reason. Is our reason sometimes flawed? Perhaps, sometimes. As is yours perhaps sometimes. We're all human after all.
Dan Trabue, at 1:57 PM
Ah, Zogby. Weren't they the ones who came in dead last in accuracy during the 2004 elections?
Dan T,
Perhaps what you require is an education on what socialism and communism governments do. Since I have already discussed this issue in multiple full postings complete with follow up debate in the past I shall simply refer you to my archives.
In Brief, anything that increases government involvement in the private sector is a move towards socialism. Your use of the libertarians in your arguments is utterly misguided as they are 100% small government "get the government the hell out of our lives" people. The private sector includes both individuals and businesses (including corporations).
You: "Believing in public education makes you a socialist? Then were Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Noah Webster all socialists? They believed in the need for public education, you know."
My response: All education is already open to the public. It's just that some parents can't afford anything other than their failing free government school. The socialist aspect here is when a person is opposed to anything that empowers people to choose either the government or a public school rather than being forced lockstep into the public school system, which, let's face it, is becoming more of a political institution than one of education.
I forgot to mention this earlier.
I LOVE the Constitution Party! They are absolutely fantastic! I have known about them for 5 years now, and have always liked them. The Republican Party could learn a lot from them. HOWEVER, as one who is interested in enacting positive change I must do so from within the existing power structure, and places me in the Republican court.
Daniel Levesque, at 2:43 PM
Well Daniel, I see you got 'em all fired up again. Seems the libs all hate Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld. When it comes to Condi, they think she isn't an ordinary Black person. Code word for Uncle Tom.
Sorry some of you, but Democrat policies since FDR have been socialist. They are now too much part of the system, and cannot be changed. One of the biggest challanges to our future will be how much more liberals want to increase the size of social welfare programs and the size of government. One of the reasons that Medicare Part D is so disliked by the media and libs is because it is privatizing part of the system.
The left has pushed the idea of big daddy govt for so long that govt is blamed for the aftermath tragedy of Hurricane Katrina. The idea of personal responsibity and independence appear to be foreign to leftist thinking. Reminds me of Orwell's 1984 where Big Brother takes care of everything.
At the end of the day, I say, keep it up so the GOP can keep winning elections. Due to the media and the Hollywood elite much of the public thinks the Democrats are in power and the Bush adm policies are no good. The reality is much different, and most of the public is happy the way things are.
BTW, my Hoover still works great. Love that free enterprise.
Rick's Corner, at 3:08 PM
Dan L -
That was CJB that quoted the Zogby poll, not I. I was busy snickering at Daisy's textbook impersonation of an angry conservative demonizing the left. It's good stuff.
Oh, but I do have one thing to say...
You use words Daniel. Do you know who else used words? Hitler. Think about that one for a second.
I seriously hope your arguments against evolution aren't as horribly reasoned as all of this. But I do look forward to it!
Anonymous, at 4:18 PM
You get the coolest comments here...
dan 76 - Are you following me?
The Conservative UAW Guy, at 5:06 PM
Daniel: Ah, Zogby. Weren't they the ones who came in dead last in accuracy during the 2004 elections?
Ah, Zogby. Weren’t they the ones who came in first in accuracy during the 2000 elections? But that isn’t the point. The poll I quoted isn’t predicting anything—it’s simply reporting what the troops in Iraq are saying. Take it or leave it, it matters not to me.
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM
"Perhaps what you require is an education on what socialism and communism governments do."
I'm well aware of what SOME socialist countries have done that you've written about. You've written about the history of totalitarian gov'ts that were nominally socialist. But part of the definition of socialism is the notion that it is a democratic process. The problems you've written about are problems with totalitarianism with which we all agree.
You really ought to get past this one way thinking. USSR claimed to be socialist, they killed lots of people, therefore socialism is bad.
I'll say it again: This is not a defense of socialism which has some serious limitations and in many countries a very negative track record on human rights. This is a defense of words, which you continue to misuse. Words have meanings.
That's all I'm saying.
Dan Trabue, at 5:38 AM
Daniel L -
I am trying to find this article you are describing about Hoover in The Weekly Standard. I am doing a Lexis Nexis search and coming up with nothing. Any idea what key words I should be using? Just using Hoover is returning too many, while urinating, urination, and cemetary in combination with it returns nothing. Just curious as I check your sources. Thanks.
Anonymous, at 7:56 AM
Anonomys, try the following keywords, I don't know if they will work, but they might.
National Cemetery Dog Park
Daniel Levesque, at 8:40 AM
I still want to know what your average income tax is for regular working folks and how much more the enormously rich people pay, plus what it pays for. The nI can get more involved in the whole issue here.
DanProject76, at 9:28 AM
Daniel L -
Thanks for the help, that did the trick. Here is a portion of what I found from the article (The Weekly Standard, June 13, 2005):
In practice, however, the site has gone to the dogs. Christ Church, the Episcopal church that owns the grounds, collects an annual fee from dog owners that it uses for upkeep--a program that's proved very popular. On the weekends especially, 10 to 15 dogs at any one time can typically be found walking with their owners or dashing around the tombstones and mausoleums. When nature calls, the owners don't always clean up after them. "Well, you're supposed to," says 50-year-old Tim Sadler, who then leans his head toward me and away from the four dogs he brought today. "But it's hard to tame the dogs."
Sometimes, though, the people are the ones in need of taming. Natalie Yoder volunteers that some dog-owners deliberately seek out the gravesite of the former number one G-man. "Hoover's buried here. Some people let their dog pee on it," says Yoder, 29, in a voice that makes it unclear as to where her sympathies lie. (Her own Boxer pup, Ollie, is unable to choose sides because she is a female and a four-foot high, black, wrought-iron fence surrounds Hoover's grave.)
In looking around Congressional Cemetery, it's hard not to commit amateur sociology on the dog-owners. They cruise by in their Range Rovers, Volvo 240 DL's, and Subaru station wagons. On their windows are decals from Oberlin College and bumper stickers that read "Like Father, Like Son. One Term." They wear T-shirts for the musical Rent. They seem unimpressed by the great civic and military figures like Clay, Sousa, and Joseph G. Totten who are honored here.
Anyone care to tackle the rhetorical problems in this article?
p.s. Seriously Daniel, thank you for the assistance in finding the article. I appreciate it.
Anonymous, at 10:43 AM
Fair points, those who responded to me.
For some evidence of Rummy lying through his teeth, assuming his general stance that Iraq is going really well in spite of a mountain of evidence to the contrary, here is a link to a series of Rumsfeld's statements demonstrating his fast and loose use of the truth. Yes, it's from a liberal blog, but all the quotes are sourced.
The red-baiting comment was a joke. The Democratic party has both socialist and libertarian philosophies among its members; it's a big party. For example, many liberals, myself included, believe we should have socialized medical care. We believe the market based system does not function very well for the health care industry. By contrast, many liberals, myself included, believe that the government should stay completely out of marriage and sexual relations, a libertarian view of social policy. No one political philosophy is perfectly all-inclusive. Both of our major U.S. parties draw their platform from many other ideologies.
Samurai Sam, at 11:03 AM
I forgot to mention this earlier.
I LOVE the Constitution Party! They are absolutely fantastic! I have known about them for 5 years now, and have always liked them.
I figured you might have heard of them but I wasn't sure since I don't know how national they are. They are pretty new to Wisconsin.
I feel the same way about the Democratic party. I identify much more readily with the Green party, but our two-party system is too well entrenched, at least for now.
Samurai Sam, at 11:19 AM
For some evidence of Rummy lying through his teeth, assuming his general stance that Iraq is going really well in spite of a mountain of evidence to the contrary
I listen to soliders' talk about Iraq. They say it's going well. If you think they know less than your websites then fine, but I don't think so somehow.
Anonymous, at 7:07 PM
"I must admit that I am confused by the comments that liberals discredit Hoover by calling him a "cross-dressing homosexual" because I thought liberals SUPPORT a person's right to be a cross-dressing homosexual."
Only if that cross-dressing homosexual is a liberal. Otherwise they assault the person in order to villify him among conservatives.
Daniel Levesque, at 8:51 AM
Crossdressing and homosexuality don't necassarily go together, just like Republican and racist don't...
DanProject76, at 11:15 AM
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