Homosexual Recruiting at Public Schools
"If there are people who don't feel comfortable with [prohomosexual] policies then they shouldn't be in public schools" Lynn Lavin, Gay/Lesbian Parent's Group
This isn't the worst of it. In the same article where Ms. Lavin makes this assertion she also speaks about how it is important to get prohomosexual policies in schools for the same reason they seek to keep religion out, because children are "easily persuaded"!
Listen, if you are a homosexual I don't care what you do behind closed doors even though I find it morally repugnant and think it violates basic laws of nature. However, DO NOT FORCE YOUR WAY INTO MY KID'S SCHOOL (K-12) AND TRY TO RECRUIT HIM! My kids, my beliefs. If any of them make different choices despite my best efforts they can live with the consequences, but the last thing any child needs is someone trying to convince him to adopt an unhealthy, immoral lifestyle that cuts years or decades off people's life expectancies.
Now for the meat. Here is how the recruitment of KINDERGARDENERS is happening. In prohomosexual schools there is a video called "My Family", a video that promotes "alternative" families. Books like "Gloria Goes to Gay Pride" are on the district approved lists for material for teachers to read to first graders. Entire primary schools are forced to participate in and promote gay pride parades. Children are given questionairres about their sexuality that challenge their notion of being a heterosexual. Eight-year-olds are taught that if they are not attracted to the opposite sex they are gay, and this at an age when almost all kids think members of the opposite have cooties and want little to do with each other by nature.
Groups like the Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Educational Network (GLSEN) push schools to block parents from attending prohomosexual rallies, and to keep these rallies secret from the parents if possible. At these rallies religious people are thoroughly denigrated as "unenlightened bigots" while homosexuality is promoted as the life to lead. Children who express confusion about sex and sexuality are directed to homosexual cousellors who invariably tell them the confusion they are experiencing is because they are undoubtedly gay.
I can't continue, I'm too disgusted.
Listen to me very carefully now. If you have children in school you need to review their class curriculum for the year and the school policies. You as a parent have a legal right to opt your child out of any instruction that is contrary to your beliefs. Excersize this right vigorously. Sometimes a school will try to circumvent this by refusing to inform parents of classes and activities that are of a controversial nature. This is illegal, fight it. Finally, spend plenty of time with your children and give them the training and instruction they need to grow up to be someone you can be proud of. No one else will do it for you.
This isn't the worst of it. In the same article where Ms. Lavin makes this assertion she also speaks about how it is important to get prohomosexual policies in schools for the same reason they seek to keep religion out, because children are "easily persuaded"!
Listen, if you are a homosexual I don't care what you do behind closed doors even though I find it morally repugnant and think it violates basic laws of nature. However, DO NOT FORCE YOUR WAY INTO MY KID'S SCHOOL (K-12) AND TRY TO RECRUIT HIM! My kids, my beliefs. If any of them make different choices despite my best efforts they can live with the consequences, but the last thing any child needs is someone trying to convince him to adopt an unhealthy, immoral lifestyle that cuts years or decades off people's life expectancies.
Now for the meat. Here is how the recruitment of KINDERGARDENERS is happening. In prohomosexual schools there is a video called "My Family", a video that promotes "alternative" families. Books like "Gloria Goes to Gay Pride" are on the district approved lists for material for teachers to read to first graders. Entire primary schools are forced to participate in and promote gay pride parades. Children are given questionairres about their sexuality that challenge their notion of being a heterosexual. Eight-year-olds are taught that if they are not attracted to the opposite sex they are gay, and this at an age when almost all kids think members of the opposite have cooties and want little to do with each other by nature.
Groups like the Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Educational Network (GLSEN) push schools to block parents from attending prohomosexual rallies, and to keep these rallies secret from the parents if possible. At these rallies religious people are thoroughly denigrated as "unenlightened bigots" while homosexuality is promoted as the life to lead. Children who express confusion about sex and sexuality are directed to homosexual cousellors who invariably tell them the confusion they are experiencing is because they are undoubtedly gay.
I can't continue, I'm too disgusted.
Listen to me very carefully now. If you have children in school you need to review their class curriculum for the year and the school policies. You as a parent have a legal right to opt your child out of any instruction that is contrary to your beliefs. Excersize this right vigorously. Sometimes a school will try to circumvent this by refusing to inform parents of classes and activities that are of a controversial nature. This is illegal, fight it. Finally, spend plenty of time with your children and give them the training and instruction they need to grow up to be someone you can be proud of. No one else will do it for you.
I've had many gay friends over the years although i am straight. This group you mentioned seems to be entirely composed of nutcases if their agenda is as you describe.
I believe that kids should be introduced to the idea of homosexual couples as ok while they are young. Gay people get so much stick throughout the states, all the way from disgusted looks to "Fag-beatings". As you said, you don't care what they do behind closed doors, just as gays don't care what you get up to behind your closed doors. However there needs to be movement to make being gay "normal", "acceptable" and "unremarkable". This movement has many heads from the gay pride organizations, to the ACLU, to this group you mentioned.
Without these groups we are doomed to raise another generation of bigots that hate and fear homosexuals.
As for recruiting for the homosexual lifestyle. The group you mentioned doesn't do that. If it tries then it isn't made up of gay people. Being gay isn't something you can be talked into. You are gay or you aren't. You can choose to live a life in denial, secretly fantasising about stuff that then makes you incredibly guilty, or you can admit it, get it out in the open and get on with your life.
Gay people don't want to recruit your child. They just want him/her to understand that the only difference between them and straight people is that they fancy people of the same sex. Thats it. The idea of recruiting kids is not only ridiculous its also nonsense that the extreme right wing likes to peddle.
After all, do you go along to gay pride marches or gay clubs and try and recruit people into the straight lifetsyle. Of course not.
Gribble The Munchkin, at 6:50 AM
I respectfully disagree with most of what you have said here. However, my responses would be far too long for this comments section and will be made known anyway in later postings. I'm not a bigot, but I have my positions and I stand by them.
Daniel Levesque, at 10:28 PM
I don't think kids under the age of 10 should be taught about any sexuality, to be honest. It seems a but creepy and inappropriate. Once they hit the 'big school' those pesky hormones will kick in and this is where they need to be shown the truth about the whole sexuality thing. Yeah I know this is in your eyes a lie but I disagree. If parents and kids could be real about these things, and get to grips with the fact that every class in every school has a few gay kids then the world would be a lot nicer place. It would cut down on all that nasty bullying and ignorance too.
Like Gribble posted, any group wanting young kids to learn about gay pride marches seem to be a bit mental. Not really doing anything positive and just reinforcing those crazy 'homosexual agenda' nonesniscal theories. In fact, let's just say that Gribble can say what I think as well as I can.
Lifestyle choice? Religion, not gayness!
DanProject76, at 3:03 AM
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