That means YOU John Murtha, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Ted Kenedy, and every other we-can't win, cut-and-run, Iraq is a quagmire, We're losing the war, US troops are terrorists, etc Democrat out there!
Today marks Iraq's THIRD democraic election in just ONE YEAR! Iraqis of all kinds are vigorously engaging in their newfound right to vote. The violence is now decreasing.
We have this thing won. We only need to stick it out a little while longer until the appropriate landmarks are met and then we can bring our troops home in both honor and glory.
So, to all of you anti-war activists out there who have been badmouthing our troops and the Iraqi people I say go find the bigest purple finger around and SPIN ON IT!
Today marks Iraq's THIRD democraic election in just ONE YEAR! Iraqis of all kinds are vigorously engaging in their newfound right to vote. The violence is now decreasing.
We have this thing won. We only need to stick it out a little while longer until the appropriate landmarks are met and then we can bring our troops home in both honor and glory.
So, to all of you anti-war activists out there who have been badmouthing our troops and the Iraqi people I say go find the bigest purple finger around and SPIN ON IT!
Here's my prediction on what Elizabeth Vargas(and I thought Peter Jennings was bad!) will say. "With the White House desperate for any good news out of Iraq, today's election is a much-needed political victory. Violence continues..."
Rebekah, at 7:52 AM
Love it! Great post! Sit and spin!!
Anonymous, at 8:51 AM
i really WISH that everybody in America would open their eyes, & see how happy, proud, & excited the Iraqi people are about this!! Holy crap! What do they need to take off their blinders??
Libby, at 10:47 AM
Twenty years from now, if the neocons have their way, we will STILL have a military presence in Iraq. That is part of the plan. The "pacification" of the region.
Wanna bet?
Dan Trabue, at 11:22 AM
Dan, you and the libs still don't get it.
To my Raving conservative friend, as they say in Limbaugh land, ditto!
Rick's Corner, at 12:41 PM
I agree with Dan.
This is a wonderful day for the people of Iraq and I truly hope it all works out for the best.
I also have no problem with the USA having one or two bases in Iraq for good. This is the only way it will work, as soon as we leave it will fail.
Now that we're there let's do what it takes to have a good outcome, a outcome that benefits the USA.
Ranando, at 1:28 PM
Ditto, indeed.
What a great day for the Iraqis.
I painted my finger purple today.
It definitely got some looks and comments...
The Conservative UAW Guy, at 3:10 PM
Dan Trabue said...
Twenty years from now, if the neocons have their way, we will STILL have a military presence in Iraq.
Uh yeah. We still have troops in Germany, Japan etc and we're not controlling them. How ignorant the left is of military operations eh? This lack of sense and knowledge of the real world is why they protest the war in the first place.
Anonymous, at 4:45 PM
People like Dan WANT the troops out of Iraq, so that when the mullahs and tyrants start all over again, they can just point and say,see, we told you it would fail. Biggest bunch of traitors to human decency ever to spout off.
Justthinkin, at 5:30 PM
If the Democracy holds, and I think it will, in 20 years the liberals will find a way to take credit for it.
shoprat, at 6:21 PM
All you have to do is look at the faces of the Iraqi people as they hold up their purple fingers and you can see the joy and pride.
juanitagf, at 9:02 PM
justthinking said:
"People like Dan WANT the troops out of Iraq, so that when the mullahs and tyrants start..."
Yeah, that's it. I'm looking for more death and destruction. That's why I'm opposed to this illegal invasion.
It has nothing to do with being a free moral agent who happens to disagree with your position that this is a just or moral war. Now that you've found me out, I'll be glad to march in lockstep behind you.
"Over grown military establishments are under any form of government inauspicious to liberty, and are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty."
-George Washington
"Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes...known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. ... No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
-James Madison
"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice."
-Albert Einstein
So, does this mean no one's taking me up on my bet?
Dan Trabue, at 5:33 AM
dan t
There's nothing wrong about being vigilant to government excesses, as long as you can be vigilant without ignoring the realities of the world or becoming paranoid.
BTW I noticed you completely ignored the point made by DarkSaturos.
blamin, at 6:26 AM
If the Neocons have their way? It'll be if the Iraqis have their way that determines whether we will be there in 20 years, not the neocons.
Daniel Levesque, at 6:57 AM
Wow Trabue, your catching some serious flack here!
I have a few points to make:
1) We ousted a murdering, rapist, dictator.
2) We turned the terrorist fight away from America and brought it to their turf.
3) I don't think anyone here wants soldiers or Iraqi citizens dead, we have no choice. We also want our soldiers home but let them do their jobs.
4) Is democratic voting in Iraq a bad thing?
5) Who voted 'yes' to this war? Congress. Not just W.
Maybe some mistakes were made, maybe some information was wrong. Maybe. Either way, there is American blood fighting in Iraq so I'd hope you root for them. Do you go to Wildcat games and start booing?
Neo-Con Tastic, at 7:10 AM
Ditto for me too. The democrats are eating crow today whether they will admit it or not. I've done posts on this Iraq and U.S. victory for the past 3 days because it's way too important.
Dionne, at 8:38 AM
"Maybe some mistakes were made, maybe some information was wrong. Maybe."
Maybe? Bush thinks there were mistakes made and bad intel involved. So, unless you're doubting your commander-in-chief, I'd say "definitely."
Blamin said:
"BTW I noticed you completely ignored the point made by DarkSaturos."
DarkS said:
"How ignorant the left is of military operations eh?"
Yes, I completely ignored an ad hominem attack. If you feed them, they only want more...
[a little logic assistance. Ad hominem fallacy:
1. Person A makes claim X.
2. Person B makes an attack on person A.
3. Therefore A's claim is false.]
Finally, neo-con said:
"there is American blood fighting in Iraq so I'd hope you root for them."
And, if I were around then and the Klan had told Kentuckians, "there is Kentucky blood fighting in this Civil War, so I'd hope you'd root for them..." I'd not.
I'll say it again, these two lessons that my momma taught me in Sunday School: Two wrongs don't make a right and the ends do not justify the means.
Dan Trabue, at 10:15 AM
Let me get this straight. You are comparing US soldiers to the KKK? That's a bit much.
Daniel Levesque, at 11:45 AM
No. I'm certifiably NOT comparing US soldiers to the klan. I'm comparing situations.
I believe this war to be morally, ethically and logically wrong. Further, I love and support our brothers and sisters who have been placed in the horrible position of being in a wrong war.
That being the case, the best, most-supportive thing I can do is to work to get them home. If I do not think a war is just, then it makes sense that I do not support our brothers and sisters being there.
Or, as Tom Delay said to then-President Clinton, "You can support the troops but not the president." or, as Delay also said, "I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it
is often easier to make war than peace."
Easier to make war, indeed. Just not always more righteous.
Dan Trabue, at 11:57 AM
No one is asking anyone to address the attack part of Dark Sarturos' arguent. We are waitinf for your response to this part:
"We still have troops in Germany, Japan etc and we're not controlling them."
Daniel Levesque, at 12:09 PM
Germany and Japan are cooperating with us, mostly. That's what we want from Iraq.
I'm not calling Bush, et al "evil." I'm saying that they want a world that is safe for them to operate in the mode that they desire. In a world that is safe for multinational corporations and, by extension, US citizens. It can sound almost noble.
But the lengths that they will go to to do so, to ensure a cooperative world, are lengths I don't agree with. The ends do not justify the means.
Dan Trabue, at 1:11 PM
Dan, how is Iraq NOT cooperating with us?
How is it that the president of Iraq and the ambassadors of Iraq are glad we are there helping them fight the good fight.
The only people in Iraq that aren't cooperating are terrorists from surrounding countries. They come in and take their cheap shots.
The terrorists don't want to see the USA to help Iraq become a democracy because it will spread to surrounding countries. And when it spreads, and it will, the terrorists will be eradicated.
You see, terrorists need oppressed people. They need to take advantage of oppressed people (like the Iraqis when Saddam was in charge) to give them a cause. They brain wash oppressed people and tell them if we crush the powers in the west, we can flourish.
WRONG! We will not sit by the wayside. We will continue the good fight. We will eradicate terrorism. We will set up Iraq with a democratic government which will help them flourish for years to come.
So, for the record, Iraq is justified and the USA will win.
'Nuf Said!
Disgruntled Car Salesman, at 1:25 PM
Excellent post Daniel!
I didn't come here to argue, and everyone (or most people here) no how I feel already.
I came to read Daniel's most excellent Blog and to wish him and his a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a very blessed New Year.
Gayle, at 1:53 PM
Libby said: "Holy crap! What do they need to take off their blinders??" What they need Libby, we can't give them. Altering brain patterns hasn't been perfected yet!
Gayle, at 6:54 PM
Maybe? Bush thinks there were mistakes made and bad intel involved. So, unless you're doubting your commander-in-chief, I'd say "definitely."
There are mistakes in every war, what's your point?
who happens to disagree with your position that this is a just or moral war.
Hold on. Saving millions of people from a potential death by an evil despot and giving them freedom is immoral? What?!
You guys STILL have yet to understand that we did not go to Iraq for us. As you can see we are getting nothing out of this, the Iraqi's are the ones getting something. And the WMD thing was on the bottom of the list of reasons why we went to Iraq. Bush just used that one for public support and it came back to haunt him. Don't forget about the millions of Iraqi's who were tortured, killed, raped, starved, deprived of electricity, houses, water, and freedom. And that's just a few of the reasons. We wouldn't just go to war one a couple things. It protects us from terrorism, it protects the Middle East from terrorism, less people will die. Yes I said it, because of the Iraq war LESS people will die. I know people have died in this war but if Saddam was still in power he would have continued to kill Iraqi people.
Cody O'Connor, at 11:26 AM
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